July 10, 2024
I.V. Ponomarev, S.B. Topchiy. A medical scanner for
focusing and positioning laser radiation onto a patient’s skin.
Biomedical Engineering(2024)
July 10, 2022
results of the computer simulation
the dysplastic vessel heating,
which opens up the possibility of personalized adjustment of the parameters
of patients’ laser treatment according to the individual assessment of the
skin’s optical pattern. It can serve as the basis for software development
for the new generation of laser medical systems
Ponomarev IV,
Topchiy SB, Pushkareva AE. Numerical modeling of the dysplastic vessel
heating in pws
by yellow 578 nm copper vapor laser radiation for different skin phototypes.
J Lasers Med Sci. 2022;13:e11.
10, 2019
New applications of
our laser system is to treat basal-cell carcinoma (BCC) by selective photo-coagulation of abnormal blood vessels.
In Russia this medical technology helped thousands of people to treat skin
Treatment of Basal Cell Cancer With a Pulsed Copper Vapor Laser: A Case
Series. Klyuchareva, Svetlana, V; Ponomarev, Igor, V; Topchiy, Sergey B.; Andrusenko, Yury N.; Published:Oct 2019 in Journal of Lasers in Medical

of New Model YACHROMA-Med Laser System, 10" touch-screen display
at our booth!
